Declaration:- The information provided in this page is taken from CBSE official site cbse.nic.in. All the FAQs discussed here are taken from the "Recent Announcements" section of cbse.nic.in site. We do not claim any copyright for this information. We are using this cbse information for the help of students so they can get the required knowledge.

Que.1 What does the term RT in the mark-sheet mean?
Ans:  The term RT means REPEAT IN THEORY. This is the term used from 2020 instead of FAIL IN THEORY (FT).

Que.2. What does the term RP in the mark sheet mean?
Ans: The term RP means REPEAT IN PRACTICAL. This is the term used from 2020 instead of FAIL IN PRACTICAL(FP)

Que.3. What does the term ER in the mark sheet mean?
Ans: From 2020, CBSE has replaced the term FAIL with ESSENTIAL REPEAT.

Que.4 Why are the result of few candidates declared as R. L.?
Ans: Results of a few candidates have been declared as RL as some data is not available. RL means result later. CBSE, after declaration of result will see these cases separately and needful action to declare the result will be taken.

Que.5 In the mark-sheet of Private candidates practical marks are not reflected. Why?
Ans: In 2020, in some of the subjects, there has been change in the maximum marks for theory examination as compared to 2019. In all such subjects, marks obtained in theory part has been proportionately increased and increased marks have been added in theory marks and result has been declared. Marks being shown in theory are out of 100.

Que.6 What does this ‘P’ represent inside green circle found in result of class 12th declared?
Ans: It is due to a programing error. The same has now been rectified and it will not be reflected in the marksheet provided by CBSE.

Que.7 In mark sheet result showing in one subject “G”, what does it mean?
Ans: It is due to a programming error. The same has now been rectified and it will not be reflected in the mark sheet provided by CBSE.

Que.8 Will the marks given in the subjects as per assessment criteria change in case of change in marks after verification and re-evaluation processes?
Ans: Any increase of decrease of marks due to verification or re-evaluation will also have an effect on the marks awarded as per assessment criteria.

Que.9 What do the grades given against marks indicate?
Ans: The grades are relative grades. They will vary from subject to subject every year. They are based on the number of candidates passing the subject. Details of these grades are provided at the back of the Mark Sheet provided by CBSE.

Que.10 When will compartment examination be held?
Ans: Compartment examination will be held as soon as the situation is conducive and in consultation with Govt. of India for holding the examination. Notification dated 14.7.2020 may be referred.

Que.11 When can the form for compartment examination be filled.
Ans: Details will be made available as soon as the date is declared.

Que.12 What is the procedure if any candidate is not satisfied with the marks?
Ans: The candidate can apply for the below processes as per Notifications dated 14.7.2020 for Class XII and 16.7.2020 for Class X:
  1. Verification of marks
  2. Obtain copy of the evaluated answer book; and
  3. Re-evaluation
Que.13 Can the marks be got verified without applying and paying fee?
Ans: No. There is no such

Snapshots for the same are below:

CBSE Verification, Rechecking & Revaluation Form 2020 for class 10 and 12th Click here 

Schedule and Application fee for Verification and Re-evaluation Click here

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